Think Like PJ

Maybe you're just like me

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One Last Announcement

(First off,  to those who follow my various blogs, sorry for all this duplicated post spam stuff. Just making sure I get the word out because I’M EXCITED ABOUT MY NEW BLOG :D )

Ok, so I take back my last statement about not ever posting to my old blogs again. But that’s just because i’m still working out the kinks on my new blog.
When I first posted that I had a new blog, I did not realize I was missing a lot of functionality. I’ve been working on a few things and have gotten closer to what I’m looking for. The main thing was just getting my new site onto your WordPress Reader.

So, for those interested in seeing my new blog (or any website updates) on your WP Reader, here’s a post that will help you out. :)

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New Blog

So…. I made a new blog. Seeing a few of you get your own domain name and step up your blog game got me curious if I could do the same. So here’s my go! And for the record, I will no longer be posting in any of my other blogs (not that I have posted in a while anyway!)

Anyway, here it is.

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FB app-sence

So I got a new phone recently to join back in my parents plan since they offered to pay for my monthly portion. I’ll take any money savings I can get right now, so I took the bait accepted their offer. (got an lg g2 and flashed an lg g3 room on it, effectively making it a  smaller lg g3, if you were curious.)

Anyway, since getting the phone, I decided to NOT install the facebook app. I spend too much time on Facebook, when I know I would much rather be doing something else in my super precious down time (aka bathroom time!!)

So far, I’ve read  A TON of WordPress posts, as some might be realizing. Lucky for me (and you guys?), I’m very “star-button” happy on WordPress, so I like lots of posts and it basically serves as my bookmark for how far back I’ve read. So yeah…. I might be reading and liking one of your posts from like 5 months ago. Just a heads up!

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A few years ago, I got pissed and sort of punched a hole in my door.

A few minutes ago, I did the same thing.


I apologize for sounding so cryptic and emotional, but I am so sick of people assuming things with no basis for their conclusions.

Do not command me how to live my life. I do not care who you are or what you’ve done for me. I may be forever indebted to you, but I will never be your mindless puppet.


Oh, and for the record, this isn’t an April fool’s joke.


My thoughts on my blogging hiatus

As most of you know, I was blogging for a good bit a couple months ago. Perhaps focusing more on quantity than quality, I tried my best to post daily updates of my general life happenings. I had more lengthy, richer posts on here and my other blog from time to time, as well. I kept it up for almost 3 months. Not amazing, but that’s pretty good for me. Then, suddenly I just stopped. Let’s try and figure out why!

   1.  I felt obligated. Like I had to. And that pretty much always makes me not want to do something. I had set my goal posting frequency for my life happenings blog to be as closely to daily as I could manage. This eventually made blogging feel like a daily chore instead of a means to unwind my thoughts.

   2.  On this same topic, the Weekly Free-writes began to have an adverse effect on me. They were meant to help foster more posts, which they did for a couple weeks. Then I began to fall behind, telling myself that I’ll make it up. Eventually, I was stuck in a hole which I felt I could not climb out of. So, basically, I just gave up, continually falling deeper into the pit of blogging silence.

   3.  I started to have a social life?! Hanging out a lot with people, late into the night. These nights are the ones which I wish I had recorded. I plan to go back over these past couple months and record any memories that stick out. Anyways, I started to build close relationships with peeps, mostly girls actually. I purposefully tried to friend-zone myself, as I was not really looking for a girlfriend.
   4.  Speaking of, I ended up getting a girlfriend. So… I spend a lot of time with her. :)
   5.  I’ve been doing a lot of work around the house. I’ve gotten a good amount done over the last couple months. Rather…. my friends have gotten a lot done in my house, to be honest. I’ve done a good bit, but I can’t undersell the amount of help that my friends have provided me. Perhaps I’ll post some pics. :D
   6.  Inversely, I’ve also been suffering most days from general laziness. My days are usually filled w/ friends and my girlie. So I am not home too often. Whenever I do find myself having some down time to just relax at my own house, I just want to sit back and watch some New Girl. That show’s funny, yo. The laziness is getting kinda bad. My house, though very different and much cozier and welcome than it started, is littered w/ mess everywhere. Not so much piles of mess as it is a blanketing layer. It’s bad, and I’m supposed to be cleaning it up RIGHT NOW. Today is a rare Saturday where I have nothing to do, so I had told myself that I would clean. Yup, I’m blogging instead.
So,  yes, those are some of the reasons why I think I stopped blogging. I think it can be boiled down to me losing interest and finding interest in other things… or people. :p
Still, I want to start blogging again. Perhaps not daily, but I do plan to keep up with my life blog. As always, my mind is at work pondering various topics, so my two other blogs will also be providing some new material every now and then.
Alrighty, I guess I’ll try and clean now…. D: